Morella v2 (w/GUI)

Project information

  • Category: Software development
  • Client: Bicon S.A.
  • Project initial date: August 2022
  • Project status: Paused
  • Languages: Python and SQL

Morella is a management system developed to meet the needs of Bicon S.A., a company located in Rosario dedicated to the administration of cementeries.
Afer having presented the simple version, which uses the Windows console as user interface, it was decided to begin with an improvement project. This project covers both the GUI, which is being developed using the PySide6 library for Python, and the back-end, improving processes in order to achieve greater system performance.
As with the version without GUI, with Morella v2 it will be possible to do payments, cash movement registration, clients account statement and communication with them, but through a more up-to-date interface and better performance.

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